Power Point

Author: Sal /

Global Warming

Cool Cite

Author: Sal /

Industrial developers are going on the right track of planning development’s after losing the road in few years as they are planning building cool cites. With respect to UAE, it was criticized for the way they are living, Miss Vivian Salama stated that WWF said the UAE used more biologically productive land to provide recourses and more seawater to absorb waste than any other country proportionate to its size (Salama). In this report I will look at how this new development of building cool cities will reduce the CO2 and lose energy and the role modern cites have in climate change and causes of them. Later I’ll give a small opinion of the given subject.

Starting with role of the modern cites take in climate change. Let’s start with the first point with respect to power waste and consumption in buildings. To clarify, buildings here in UAE often spaced too far apart, meaning that they do not provide any shade for each other and the energy used to cool them is dissipated into atmosphere (Younes). An additional factor to take into consideration is transportation. To explain according to the cool city video the more increase in the population the more cars will be in the road as a result it will cause more delays and more environment problems (Cool City).

After looking to the problems now I’ll turn to the solutions on how to reduce the energy and the CO2 emitted from cars. First solution to look at regarding the energy in buildings, Mr. Hope stated that the planners have planned to circulate seawater underground to cool the pavements and benches and hide misters in nooks and crannies on the exterior of buildings (Hope). Also another solution from cool city is to filter light through rooftops that can reduce the heat from the sun. Another point worth of mentioning regarding reducing CO2 from transportation is to use newest technology of transportation. For example, monorail, solar ships, LRT and hybrid car (Cool City).

To sum up, the way developers in UAE are thinking is a big step to reduce carbon dioxide emitted into air at least from UAE after criticises they got. In my opinion, I think that the effect of the heat in the current subject is already shown as building in UAE are really in bad shape as heat comes inside even if the AC is on and I think the increase of the heat is a thing we live throw it nowadays, as weather is too hot.

global warming national geographic clip

Author: Sal /

Addtional posting

Author: Sal /

Lebanon, one of the best tourist’s attractions in the middles east, was not always as beautiful as it is right now. In the following, I will write about Lebanon in past and present.

Let’s first look at the past. The first point to consider is in terms of independence. To clarify, Lebanon got it independence from France in. Yet another point to take notice of is considering the tension. To illustrate, Christians were the ones who were in charge, while Muslims were not really in contact with them. However, after attacking and killing a bus full of Muslims, much tension grew between Muslims and Christians which ended with a civil war which leaded to having almost quarter of the population to leave the country, and had Beirut’s economy paralyzed for several years. Finally, in 1982 Israel invaded Lebanon and made a big damage by bombing it.

Having looked at some past, now let’s turn our attention to some the present. For starters, many people though Lebanon has ended one obvious point worthy of mentioning is with respect to survive. To illustrate, Beirut gained the name “the city that never dies” because even after what these conflicts have caused, Beirut managed to survive. For example Well-grounded banking, excellent educational and medical systems and many other things were some of what Beirut was able to achieve and revive after the conflicts.

In conclusion, Beirut, now one of the most beautiful cities in the world, had one of the most outrages civil wars of the world, but managed to survive.

Additional posting

Author: Sal /

Diamonds are the most precious stones in the world. Have you ever thought of how they get from the earth to onto your fiancĂ©’s finger? I will now describe important locations along the trade rout these most valuable of rocks pass.

The first point to consider is in terms of history. To clarify, Diamonds were first discovered in a town called Golconda in India 4000 years ago. Yet another obvious notice worthy of mentioning is with respect to company’s location. To illustrate, most companies of diamonds are outside from the country they dig them from as the only country that has its own company is South Africa a company called De Beers which controls 2 out of 3 worlds’ rough diamonds trading. Another fact to take into notice is with the cost. To explain, India has the cheapest diamonds, because 90% of the world's rough diamonds are cut and polished there and they pay their labors 40 Cents only for 1 gm. While on the other hand companies like Antwerp associated is controlled by Jewish society , De Beers and one in Dubai sell them in high prices .

In brief, trading diamonds became much popular than before, because nowadays a lot of people buy diamonds to show their personality through them such as hip hop stars and celebrities.movies were made to show how people in africa suffer from this kind of trading.

Global warming

Author: Sal /

Global warming is becoming a big issue now days, due the effect it will have on mankind and everything living this earth. In this essay I’ll write about the causes and the effects of global warming.
Various reasons have been suggested explaining the global warming causes, but I’ll some of them. First of all, it’s highlighted that the main reason is pollution, For Example, carbon dioxide which are coming from factories and cars. Yet another point to take note of is water Vapor. For instance water vapour makes up sixty percent of the Greenhouse gasses.
After pointing some of the causes, now I’ll point to the effects. First point to mention is climate change which is already starting. An additional point is spread of disease, For example, insects flying from side to side with disease due the effect of the climate change.
To sum up, there are a lot of causes and effects of the global warning but I mention the main reason of them, I think humans should take care of their land and think how to avoid the north pool melting which will cause a big disaster.

Al Gore, the host, was the vice-president of the United States in the Clinton Administration. He first took an interest in climate change in grade school and has continued to take an interest in this subject as a politician. In this documentary, he highlights the relationship between the emission of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the corresponding temperature over 650,000 year period. Let’s now take a look at some of the major results of global warming according to Al Gore’s presentation.
There are a lot of theories about global warming but in this presentation he shows us some pictures about some places and figures. First of all he shows and explains carbon dioxide levels and the effect it does on the Ozone layer, which causes a lot of temperature changes. For example, he shows us Lake Chad in Africa which was considered as one of the largest lakes in the world that is almost 90% dried. Then he started talking about the increase of level of the sea that will lead to millions of people losing their land due to ice melting. For instance, he demonstrates some images about cliffs melting and falling into the ocean in Greenland and Western Antarctica. He also provides us with some disaster which was caused by the global warming like the 10 typhoons that accord in Japan and hurricane Katerina which got stronger by the temperature increase.
To sum up, Al Gore says that although the situation regarding Global Warming appears dire, he dose speak passionately looking forward to the future with hope. His presentation concludes with parting nuggets of practical advice as to how man can play a role in curbing climate change.

English 174: Blog Project Task 5

Author: Sal /

Blog project: Carbon Footprints

There are various ways to measure our impact on the earth from environmental stand point .One of these ways is by way of our carbon footprint. In the following report, Ill define what a carbon foot print is, show how a carbon foot print is measured, show how I rank in comparison to others and finally make suggestions as to how we can reduce our carbon footprints.

There are several definitions to describe what a carbon footprint. Lets look at the best way to define it. A carbon footprint is the measure of the effect we have on the climate, life and the role we take in it, due to the green house gasses we produce with knowledge and without knowledge. According to a website, it was stated that a carbon footprint is measure of the impact our activities have on the environment, and in particular climate change. It relates to the amount of greenhouse gases produced in our day-to-day lives through burning fossil fuels for electricity, heating and transportation (what is a carbon footprint 1).

We have a lot of ways to verify our Carbon foot print. The most calculated figures are coming from stuff we use in our life. We dont know if the number that is shown if its true or not, but we have to think of reducing it. In my case I calculated my carbon footprint from http://footprint.wwf.org.uk/ and http://www.myfootprint.org/ .In the following sites I was asked some Questions mostly about the stuff I use in home but there are others like the car I drive and how often I travel. I calculated my carbon footprint and I was shocked with the result, I was ranked 2nd from my friends as with a figure of 2.2 from highest to lowest. I think My Carbon is more than my friends Zubair, Mohammed khalfan and jassim , I think this is because I live in a big house with many rooms and many electrical stuff . I think my friend abdalah is more than me and my friends because he uses the car more than all of us , car is known as one of the main causes of greenhouse gasses.

I think if every one of us thinks in a wise way they will start reducing their carbon finger print. First of all I recommend everyone to reduce the electrical stuff they use, for example ,"Fill your dishwasher efficiently and limit the number of times you run it". (what can you do at home to save electricy 1). Another way is to reuduce the transportion use . for example , we

can use trains more than cars to rudece the number of vichles in the roads which will drop the CO2 which comes from it. Finally is to ruduce the water . For example filling the plants every 6 houres other than every 2 hours .

Task 4 An Inconvenient Truth: Part 2An Inconvenient Truth: Part 2

Author: Sal /

Whether people liked this documentary An Inconvenient truth or not they must give out their reviews on it. Many people gave a positive review of this film but on the second hand others criticized it. In this essay I will look at the arguments for and against the film.
To begin with let us look at why some people are giving the movie a positive assessment. First of all, they mention that Al Gore’s style in presenting the film was very appealing because he jokes around and doesn’t show he is superior in knowledge about the subject more than them. Another point to mention is he gave people more solution and faith to change the world. For example ,( Gore first scares the bejesus out of you and then offers ways to change the future, leaving you with a sense of optimism in the face of a global threat) (O’Hara 1).Finally , Al Gore made sure not to make the movie as a political achievement for him . To elucidate, He was very cautious not to turn this film into a political show.
After looking at the positive assessment lets now turn to the people who give negative ones.
First point to consider is they thought that Al Gore was making an advertisement for himself. To Clarify, (the central point of the movie doesn't seem to be about Global Warming, but rather about selling Al Gore as a saint, a human being and possibly a future presidential candidate) (Scott 1).Another point worthy of mentioning is he used mined games to make people get emotionally effected . To explain, He used his sister death due lung cancer in the presentation. Finally, Al Gore raised questions he himself could answer. For Example, He talks about how to contribute CO2 emission while he is traveling from place to place.
In Conclusion, It will take time for people to trust Al Gore as long as he is a politician. I think the movie opened a lot of doors for people to think about how to save our world .