English 174: Blog Project Task 5

Author: Sal /

Blog project: Carbon Footprints

There are various ways to measure our impact on the earth from environmental stand point .One of these ways is by way of our carbon footprint. In the following report, Ill define what a carbon foot print is, show how a carbon foot print is measured, show how I rank in comparison to others and finally make suggestions as to how we can reduce our carbon footprints.

There are several definitions to describe what a carbon footprint. Lets look at the best way to define it. A carbon footprint is the measure of the effect we have on the climate, life and the role we take in it, due to the green house gasses we produce with knowledge and without knowledge. According to a website, it was stated that a carbon footprint is measure of the impact our activities have on the environment, and in particular climate change. It relates to the amount of greenhouse gases produced in our day-to-day lives through burning fossil fuels for electricity, heating and transportation (what is a carbon footprint 1).

We have a lot of ways to verify our Carbon foot print. The most calculated figures are coming from stuff we use in our life. We dont know if the number that is shown if its true or not, but we have to think of reducing it. In my case I calculated my carbon footprint from http://footprint.wwf.org.uk/ and http://www.myfootprint.org/ .In the following sites I was asked some Questions mostly about the stuff I use in home but there are others like the car I drive and how often I travel. I calculated my carbon footprint and I was shocked with the result, I was ranked 2nd from my friends as with a figure of 2.2 from highest to lowest. I think My Carbon is more than my friends Zubair, Mohammed khalfan and jassim , I think this is because I live in a big house with many rooms and many electrical stuff . I think my friend abdalah is more than me and my friends because he uses the car more than all of us , car is known as one of the main causes of greenhouse gasses.

I think if every one of us thinks in a wise way they will start reducing their carbon finger print. First of all I recommend everyone to reduce the electrical stuff they use, for example ,"Fill your dishwasher efficiently and limit the number of times you run it". (what can you do at home to save electricy 1). Another way is to reuduce the transportion use . for example , we

can use trains more than cars to rudece the number of vichles in the roads which will drop the CO2 which comes from it. Finally is to ruduce the water . For example filling the plants every 6 houres other than every 2 hours .


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