Cool Cite

Author: Sal /

Industrial developers are going on the right track of planning development’s after losing the road in few years as they are planning building cool cites. With respect to UAE, it was criticized for the way they are living, Miss Vivian Salama stated that WWF said the UAE used more biologically productive land to provide recourses and more seawater to absorb waste than any other country proportionate to its size (Salama). In this report I will look at how this new development of building cool cities will reduce the CO2 and lose energy and the role modern cites have in climate change and causes of them. Later I’ll give a small opinion of the given subject.

Starting with role of the modern cites take in climate change. Let’s start with the first point with respect to power waste and consumption in buildings. To clarify, buildings here in UAE often spaced too far apart, meaning that they do not provide any shade for each other and the energy used to cool them is dissipated into atmosphere (Younes). An additional factor to take into consideration is transportation. To explain according to the cool city video the more increase in the population the more cars will be in the road as a result it will cause more delays and more environment problems (Cool City).

After looking to the problems now I’ll turn to the solutions on how to reduce the energy and the CO2 emitted from cars. First solution to look at regarding the energy in buildings, Mr. Hope stated that the planners have planned to circulate seawater underground to cool the pavements and benches and hide misters in nooks and crannies on the exterior of buildings (Hope). Also another solution from cool city is to filter light through rooftops that can reduce the heat from the sun. Another point worth of mentioning regarding reducing CO2 from transportation is to use newest technology of transportation. For example, monorail, solar ships, LRT and hybrid car (Cool City).

To sum up, the way developers in UAE are thinking is a big step to reduce carbon dioxide emitted into air at least from UAE after criticises they got. In my opinion, I think that the effect of the heat in the current subject is already shown as building in UAE are really in bad shape as heat comes inside even if the AC is on and I think the increase of the heat is a thing we live throw it nowadays, as weather is too hot.


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