Addtional posting

Author: Sal /

Lebanon, one of the best tourist’s attractions in the middles east, was not always as beautiful as it is right now. In the following, I will write about Lebanon in past and present.

Let’s first look at the past. The first point to consider is in terms of independence. To clarify, Lebanon got it independence from France in. Yet another point to take notice of is considering the tension. To illustrate, Christians were the ones who were in charge, while Muslims were not really in contact with them. However, after attacking and killing a bus full of Muslims, much tension grew between Muslims and Christians which ended with a civil war which leaded to having almost quarter of the population to leave the country, and had Beirut’s economy paralyzed for several years. Finally, in 1982 Israel invaded Lebanon and made a big damage by bombing it.

Having looked at some past, now let’s turn our attention to some the present. For starters, many people though Lebanon has ended one obvious point worthy of mentioning is with respect to survive. To illustrate, Beirut gained the name “the city that never dies” because even after what these conflicts have caused, Beirut managed to survive. For example Well-grounded banking, excellent educational and medical systems and many other things were some of what Beirut was able to achieve and revive after the conflicts.

In conclusion, Beirut, now one of the most beautiful cities in the world, had one of the most outrages civil wars of the world, but managed to survive.


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