Task 4 An Inconvenient Truth: Part 2An Inconvenient Truth: Part 2

Author: Sal /

Whether people liked this documentary An Inconvenient truth or not they must give out their reviews on it. Many people gave a positive review of this film but on the second hand others criticized it. In this essay I will look at the arguments for and against the film.
To begin with let us look at why some people are giving the movie a positive assessment. First of all, they mention that Al Gore’s style in presenting the film was very appealing because he jokes around and doesn’t show he is superior in knowledge about the subject more than them. Another point to mention is he gave people more solution and faith to change the world. For example ,( Gore first scares the bejesus out of you and then offers ways to change the future, leaving you with a sense of optimism in the face of a global threat) (O’Hara 1).Finally , Al Gore made sure not to make the movie as a political achievement for him . To elucidate, He was very cautious not to turn this film into a political show.
After looking at the positive assessment lets now turn to the people who give negative ones.
First point to consider is they thought that Al Gore was making an advertisement for himself. To Clarify, (the central point of the movie doesn't seem to be about Global Warming, but rather about selling Al Gore as a saint, a human being and possibly a future presidential candidate) (Scott 1).Another point worthy of mentioning is he used mined games to make people get emotionally effected . To explain, He used his sister death due lung cancer in the presentation. Finally, Al Gore raised questions he himself could answer. For Example, He talks about how to contribute CO2 emission while he is traveling from place to place.
In Conclusion, It will take time for people to trust Al Gore as long as he is a politician. I think the movie opened a lot of doors for people to think about how to save our world .


Abdulla Salem Ali said...

your work perfect and good theme

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