Al Gore, the host, was the vice-president of the United States in the Clinton Administration. He first took an interest in climate change in grade school and has continued to take an interest in this subject as a politician. In this documentary, he highlights the relationship between the emission of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the corresponding temperature over 650,000 year period. Let’s now take a look at some of the major results of global warming according to Al Gore’s presentation.
There are a lot of theories about global warming but in this presentation he shows us some pictures about some places and figures. First of all he shows and explains carbon dioxide levels and the effect it does on the Ozone layer, which causes a lot of temperature changes. For example, he shows us Lake Chad in Africa which was considered as one of the largest lakes in the world that is almost 90% dried. Then he started talking about the increase of level of the sea that will lead to millions of people losing their land due to ice melting. For instance, he demonstrates some images about cliffs melting and falling into the ocean in Greenland and Western Antarctica. He also provides us with some disaster which was caused by the global warming like the 10 typhoons that accord in Japan and hurricane Katerina which got stronger by the temperature increase.
To sum up, Al Gore says that although the situation regarding Global Warming appears dire, he dose speak passionately looking forward to the future with hope. His presentation concludes with parting nuggets of practical advice as to how man can play a role in curbing climate change.


Abo Mariam said...

i like your opinion Salah

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